Elias Hörhager
2019 Attendance of various courses in the field of university didactics and rhetoric
2017 admission to the bar
2016 MLaw University of Lucerne
Professional background
Since 2021 clerk at the Obergericht Obwalden
2020 fall semester, exercises in constitutional law, University of Lucerne
2019-2021 Research assistant at the University of Lucerne
Working as a lawyer since 2017
Preferred areas of activity
Contract law (in particular labor law, work contract law and tenancy law), liability law, family law, social security law, criminal law and building law
German, English and French
ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Is the adequacy in the UVG still up to date?, p. 155 ff., in: Karoline Eder/Isabella Tanner (eds.), Law and Limits - Limits of Law?, Lucerne 2022
ROLAND NORER/ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Public-law restrictions on property ownership: ÖREB cadastre and accumulation of interventions, considerations on the "Gulliver effect", p. 309 ff., in: Off to new shores!, Festschrift for Walter Fellmann, Bern 2021
ANTON REINL/ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Smart Farming: From Agricultural Engineering to Big Data. Legal issues of digitized agriculture, p. 105 ff., in: Roland Norer (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th Lucerne Agricultural Law Days, Zurich/St.Gallen 2020
ROLAND NORER/ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Accumulated public-law restrictions on ownership of agricultural and forestry property: A cadastre as a way out? The example of the PLR register in Switzerland, in: AUR 6/2020, p. 202 ff.
ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Commentary on Art. Art. 27 LwG, in: Roland Norer (ed.), Agricultural Law (LwG), Stämpflis hand commentary, Bern 2019
ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Minimum distance to signal the speed in speed measurements, p. 77 ff., in: Strassenverkehr 3/2019
ELIAS HÖRHAGER, Response obligation and loss of witness quality of police officers - An interpretation according to the relevant standards of the StPO, p. 51 ff., in: Strassenverkehr 2/2018
Aargau Bar Association
Swiss Bar Association
Aargau Lawyers Association